Staffordshire Wildlife Trust

A dramatic rocky ridge landscape with dusky pink and grey clouds overhead

Hen Cloud, The Roaches Nature Reserve by Dave Stevenson

Discover Staffordshire's wildlife this autumn

Welcome to Staffordshire Wildlife Trust

Staffordshire Wildlife Trust is your local wildlife charity dedicated to looking after Staffordshire's wildlife and wild places. You can use our website to find out more about what we do, to sign-up as a member, read up on our current campaigns, find out how to volunteer with us and book onto an event plus much more. 

We hope you can join us in protecting Staffordshire's unique natural environment for everyone to enjoy and wildlife to thrive in. Our work would not be possible without your support.

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Help keep Staffordshire wild

Places to go, things to see and ways to get involved


Be a wild fundraiser

Give local nature a boost
A girl sits on a red grass sled and looks excited as she rolls down a hill, a young woman in purple pushes her

Grass sledging - CN Harding

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A small pale grey bird perched on a thorny branch with its beak wide open in mid call

July - grasshopper warbler by Graham Burrows

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What we're up to

What we do

Doxey Pool - The Roaches

Protect wildlife and wild spaces

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A rustic sign fixed to a tree trunk reads forest school

Forest school by Sarah Davison

Educate and inspire

Our work with people
Badger Appeal - please help

Credit: Terry Whittaker/2020VISION

Campaign for a wilder future


A sloping meadow with various coloured flowers including yellows, pinks. purples and lot of grasses. Trees fringe the far border of the field and a grey cloudy sky its above.

Thorswood wildflowers by Tom Ellis

Staffordshire through the seasons

A wild summer

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