My birding

nick parsons

My birding

Nick Parsons, Nottingham
A couple of years ago Nick took the plunge and bought into a bird watching holiday company, and at a stroke his hobby became his livelihood.

I can remember the day when I became a bird watcher. As a young boy I was on holiday with my family in Scotland. One morning we went for a walk in a wood behind our cabin. Almost immediately we saw a smart black and white bird. It was a male Pied Flycatcher! We watched it and were delighted to see that he was visiting a nest hole feeding chicks. Fantastic! We continued through the wood and climbed a hill. As we reached the top, another surprise, a male Hen Harrier quartering the hill below us a beautiful pearly grey in colour and with a slow, graceful flight. That was it, I was hooked and became a bird watcher.

Although family and work keep us all very busy I have always made time for birds and birding. We are not built to be inside as much as we are. Escaping outside into the natural world is a wonderful antidote to the stresses of life. A couple of years ago I took the plunge and bought into a bird watching holiday company, and at a stroke my hobby became my livelihood. Over the years I have been lucky enough to go birding in some wonderful places in this country and abroad, but some of my favourite places to bird are still in Nottinghamshire. Whether itā€™s the gravel pits of the Trent and Idle Valleys or the woods and heaths of Sherwood, being out birding in Notts is a fantastic way to spend a day. A day in the field, is never a day wasted.